Over the years Ginger Goetz has had the pleasure of designing for many amazing and wonderful clients. Some she has worked with even before the creation of our company. She's crafted logos, direct mail pieces, brochures, websites... you name it and she's done that. Ginger is a very talented designer with great drive to succeed - and to please her clients. Below is a sampling of some of her favorite pieces. If you'd like to see more, please email or call and Ginger will be happy to send you a link to a more extensive portfolio.

Home construction company.
High end kitchen remodeling company.

Local farm offering exotic chickens.

Career networking and mentoring group.

Retirement community printing service.

Book publishing company.
Appliance sales and distribution.
Boutique publishing company.

Handyman company.

Alzheimer's care guide booklet.

Visa white paper about small businesses and digital currency

Scattered site home tour guide.

Custom religious publication for Cincinnati painter.

Employer branding guide.

Publication for members of the BIA of Central Kentucky.

Annual coupon savings publication.

Magazine about living a positive existence.

Home and lifestyle publication for Central Kentucky.

Marketing piece for a research company

Poster showcasing custom pottery.

Expectations and benefits.

Alpaca Farm informational brochure.

Loan officer journey map.

Ad for Clopay garage doors.

Map of subdivision with property lines.

Rack card for bed and breakfast.

Folder for custom cabinetry company.